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씨알문화센터 사업계획 2023 - 2024

Project Plan 2023-2024 : Get to Know Korean Culture

Project Plan 2023-2024 :
Getting to Know Korean Culture

Korean & Canadian Art Festival in ROM

Projects will deepen and diversify creative, collaborative relationships between Canadian artists and artists from Korea.

Date : Oct 21, 2023
Where : ROM(Royal Ontario Museum) 

Remarks : Dr. Vicki Sung-yeon Kwon as the inaugural Curator of Korean Art & Culture of the ROM

Korean Power Mentorship

The Korean Power Mentorship program is networking and skill-building experiences designed to support youth ages 18-24. These events connect youth with mentors, prospective employers and the Canadian labour market.

Date : Nov 18, 2023
Where : See-All Community Centre

Remarks Invite 4 qualified instructors for mentorships 

How to wear Hanbok and Bow

The hanbok is an important part of Korean culture, it is frequently misunderstood outside of Korea. The garment should be understood as well as respected because it is a cultural and historical artifact. The program will teach how to wear hanbok and bow in the New Year.

Date : Dec 16, 2023
Where : See-All Community Centre

Remarks : Recruitment of hanbok professional instructors and preparation of costumes

How to make Kimchi and Korean food 

Projects will teach how to make Kimchi and various Korean foods. Did you know there are more then a hundred different kinds of Kimchi? Join our program to learn about Kimchi and how to make your own.

Date : Jan 20, 2024
Where : See-All Community Centre

Remarks : Preparing ingredients for kimchi and recruiting instructors

Korean Spelling Bee Competition

Korean spelling bee competition is in which young students (most of them about 10 to 13 years old) compete by spelling words out loud. 

Date : Feb 17, 2024
Where : See-All Community Centre

Remarks : Basically, participants in spelling bee competitions are asked to spell words of different levels of difficulty.


You are not Alone!(Overcome of Bullying)

Projects will encourage students to team up and unite against bullying. Every student deserves the right to feel safe and happy in school.

Date : Mar 16, 2024
Where :  See-All Community Centre

Remarks : Dr. Vicki Sung-yeon Kwon as the inaugural Curator of Korean Art & Culture of the ROM


Family Ping-Pong Competition

Projects will deepen and diversify creative, collaborative relationships between Korean artists and artists from Canada.

Date : April 20, 2024
Where : Park

Remarks : Outdoor Activity with family


Tree planting and pick up garbage in a park

Projects will deepen and diversify creative, collaborative relationships between Korean artists and artists from Canada.

Date : May 18, 2024
Where : Park

Remarks : Outdoor activity in a park


Children drawing contest with family

Drawing contest with family can be great motivation for students to create and showcase their best work. The contests and themes vary from general to thematic,

Date : Jun 15, 2024
Where : Park

Remarks : Students in Grades 1-4 can learn how to create their own story with live expert instruction.


Dual citizenship and military service option for Korean – Canadian

  • According to the Overseas Emigration Law, “second-generation South Koreans” are obligated to serve only when they have reported permanent return. Therefore, if you emigrated overseas before you were six years old but you renounced your permanent residence and reported permanent return to South Korea, your military service duty will be reinstated. If you were born overseas (dual citizenship), but selected South Korean domestic residence and reside in South Korea, your military service duty will be reinstated.

Date : Oct 21, 2023
Where : See-All Community Centre

Remarks : ✎ According to Article 8 of the Military Service Act, men who are Korean citizens are included in the first national service from the age of 18
A person who has been incorporated into the first national service shall be 18 years old pursuant to Article 12 (2) of the Nationality Act
You must select one nationality.

✎ Accordingly, the innate multiple nationality will be 18 years old at the latest from the date of acquisition of multiple nationality
By March of the year, you must report the departure of your nationality to the overseas missions in your residence, and after the above period has elapsed
As a citizen of the Republic of Korea, departure of nationality is only after fulfilling military service obligations or being exempted
It’s possible. (Except for away births)

Reference Link


Autism children and government support program

The Ontario Autism Program ( OAP ) offers support to families of children and youth on the autism spectrum. Children and youth who have been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder ( ASD ) by a qualified professional are eligible for the program. Children receive services and supports until the age of 18.

Date : Aug 17, 2024
Where : See-All Community Centre

Remarks : Autism is a lifelong neurodevelopmental condition that affects the way the brain works. While there is no need to cure autism, individual traits, abilities and experiences can improve over time with the help of certain supports, therapies and interventions.

How to write a letter with Hangul & Introduce Korean Poems

Learn the Korean Alphabet. We’ll start by learning all the consonant characters in the Korean alphabet. and also understand the poetic form specific to Korean poetry

Date : Sep 21, 2024
Where : See-All Community Centre

Remarks : To invite a Teacher from TDSB or York